Saturday, May 11, 2013


Arthritis and Role of Reiki Healing

Arthritis is inflammatory pain of joints.
Food which helps to cure:
*  Fish and food high in Omega III fatty acids
*  Leafy green, capsicum, broccoli- food rich in anti-oxidants
*  Pomegranate- act directly on cartilage, helps to prevent pains
*  Pineapple- it contains Brome lain, good to control inflammation
*  Turmeric, ginger, cloves- acts as an inflammatory for joints
*  Onions, berries- help to prevent

Role of Reiki:   helps to heal joints
·       Do daily Aura cleansing for painful joints
·       Do daily Chakra healing for Root Chakra
·       Do once a week whole body reiki and chakra healing to keep your bone and joint healthy


Throat Chakra
This is the chakra which is located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language. This chakra is about opening the voice, speaking the truth and freeing your creativity.

Sanskrit Name: Vissudha
Meaning: Purification
Location: throat
Body Parts: ears, throat, neck, shoulders, vocal cords
Glands: Thyroid, parathyroid
Function: communication, creativity, listening
Element: sound
Color: blue
Balanced Characteristics: clear communication, good listener, lives creatively, resonant voice, good sense of timing and rhythm
Deficiency: difficulties expressing oneself, fear of speaking, introversion, shyness, weak voice, tone deaf, poor rhythm
Excess: talking as a defense, too much talking, gossiping, inability to listen, dominating voice
Physical Malfunctions: disorders of the throat, ears, neck, voice, tightness of the jaw, toxicity
Healing strategy: singing, chanting, non-goal oriented creativity, journal writing
Key words: creative, harmony, sound, self-expression, vibration, resonance, ethereal, truth.
Affirmations: I am the messenger
                    I speak my truth with clarity and courage