Friday, July 6, 2018

Child psychologist Chandigarh.... Why can’t my child make friends? This can be a difficult question to ask yourself. But if your child rarely gets invited on playdates and spends most of his time alone at home, it can be hard not to wonder—and worry. For kids of all ages, friendships offer the acceptance, approval and sense of belonging they crave. If your child struggles to connect with other kids and form friendships, it can be a blow to his self-esteem or leave him feeling alone and frustrated. What Can Cause Trouble With Making Friends “If your child’s learning and attention issues cause him to have a hard time making friends, there are ways to improve his social skills.” ADHD: Kids with ADHD may lack self-control, be overactive, talk too much, talk without thinking or not pay attention to what other people are saying. Executive functioning issues:Children with executive functioning issues may have trouble sharing, taking turns, controlling emotions and accepting other viewpoints. Nonverbal learning disabilities(NVLD): Kids with NVLD may miss social cues like body language, expression and tone of voice. They may not understand humor or sarcasm and may take what others say too literally. Language disorders: Children with language disorders may not understand the rules of conversation or may have trouble finding the right words. They may avoid talking when around other kids. For appointment contect at 9872880634