It is through our connection to the light that we know things beyond what the visible world can tell us, and we see things beyond what the physical world reveals. In order to access this wisdom, we can simply allow ourselves to remember that we are not limited, we are filled with divine grace & power that is ours for the asking. A daily practice of tuning into this vast potential, conversing with it, can create bliss in life.
Courses - Reiki level 1,2, third degree with karuna reiki ,Mastership, Grand-mastership, Magnified healing ,Dowsing ,Crystal Ball Gazing Activation of Third Eye ,EFT, Power of Sub Conscious Mind & Law of Attraction Therapies..Twenty one healing modules.... Chakra-healing, Pranic healing,Reiki-healing,Past-Life-Regression & Hypnotherapy, Inner child healing, , LBL., NLP, Re-Birthing. Amazing quartz, reiki articles for home & office , Pyramids , Angels for sale.. phone 09872880634