Saturday, April 30, 2016

Reiki Healer and Inner child facilitator Chandigarh

"It is through healing our inner child, by healing the wounds that we suffered, we can change our behavior patterns and start our emotional healing process. We can release the grief with its pent-up anger, shame, fear, and pain from those feelings, which exist within us.By innerchild healing we feel the happiness within."

Friday, April 29, 2016


Worry that a task has been done poorly, even when the person knows this is not true
* Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts
* Thinking about certain sounds, images, words or numbers all the time
* Need for constant reassurance
* Fear of harming a family member or friend
Compulsions are repetitive behaviors (rituals) or mental acts that reduce the anxiety that accompanies an obsession. The person feels driven to perform them in response to their obsession, or according to rules that must be rigidly applied.
Some common compulsions include:
* Cleaning and grooming, such as washing hands, showering or brushing teeth over and over again
* Checking drawers, door locks and appliances to be sure they are shut, locked or turned off
* Repeating, such as going in and out of a door, sitting down and getting up from a chair, or touching certain objects several times
* Ordering and arranging items in certain ways
* Counting over and over to a certain number
* Saving newspapers, mail or containers when they are no longer needed

Monday, April 25, 2016

ॠषि-मुनियों ने मनुष्‍य के शरीर में सात शक्ति-केंद्रों की उपस्थिति बताई है। इन शक्ति-केंद्रों से इन्‍द्रधनुषी सात रंग निकलते हैं। जो मनुष्‍य के शरीर पर एक दिव्‍य आभा-मण्‍डल का निर्माण करते हैं। इस आभा-मण्‍डल को देख मनुष्‍य की भौतिक व मानसिक स्थिति का सही ज्ञान प्राप्‍त कियका जा सकता है। आभा-मण्‍डल के रंगों को देख मानव-शरीर में निकट भविष्‍य में होने वाले विभिन्‍न रोगों का काफी समय पहले पता लगाया जा सकता है। किरलियन फोटोग्राफी द्वारा आज आभा-मण्‍डल का चित्र लेना सम्‍भव हो गया है। इस तकनीक द्वारा रोग के साथ-साथ मनुष्‍य की भौतिक बुराइयों का भी उपचार संभव है।

Learn EFT [Emotional release therapy ] in Chandigarh...

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, ERT)
EFT helps to remove daily stress from your body and mind. Tapping on certain points helps to release day to day clutter from body, mind, Aura, and Chakra. Easy to learn, easy to use. It can be learnt in 5 hours. No need for formal education. It can be learnt by any age group.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

She found the cause of her Unexplained Chest pain in Pastliferegression session with us...she feel it completely disapered within a year of session...

A 30 year old married woman came to know the reason for her unexplained chest pain. Her medical reports are normal. She told she is suffering from chest pain since childhood. At times it gets severe. After reading the book “Many lives many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss I felt that my chest pain is carried from my past life.
I am Rose, a 12 year girl with golden hair, on a ship with my maid (care taker). My father is sending me to my grandparents in some European country because my mother is dead. My father is serving in some Asian country. I am growing up. Now I am a teenager. I met a man. He is my lover. I am very happy.
I am 22 years now and very upset. I learnt that my father is a spy, because during his last visit I heard him talking many times with strange people in night. It seems some conspiracy against this country. I don’t discuss this with my lover and grandparents. One day I went and lodged a complaint about my father with the authorities. This is 1932.
I am entering a big building. It seems airport. My friend came to see me off. It is so strange that my father is already at airport. I am going towards him. OH H H H !!!! my father shot me in the chest. I am falling. My father is crying. Now he shot himself also. I am dead.        
Lesson learnt……….I should not have taken hasty decision. I should have made some enquiry before lodging complaint about my father. There was severe chest pain and feeling of uselessness at the time of death.
The chest hurts a lot at the same point where the bullet hit in my past life. There is a birth mark at this location. I met my husband for the first time at airport. There was a strong attraction between us. He proposed to me within a week of our first meeting. We are married for 5 years and we love each other very much. He is the same person whom I loved in my past life.  After one year she informed  I don’t have chest pain now.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reiki Classes in Chandigarh...Level one, two, third degree, mastership, grand mastership, dousing....sco 365, ff, sec. 44-d, Chandigarh

Arthritis and Role of Reiki Healing

Arthritis is inflammatory pain of joints.
Food which helps to cure:
*  Fish and food high in Omega III fatty acids
*  Leafy green, capsicum, broccoli- food rich in anti-oxidants
*  Pomegranate- act directly on cartilage, helps to prevent pains
*  Pineapple- it contains Brome lain, good to control inflammation
*  Turmeric, ginger, cloves- acts as an inflammatory for joints
*  Onions, berries- help to prevent

Role of Reiki:   helps to heal joints
·       Do daily Aura cleansing for painful joints
·       Do daily Chakra healing for Root Chakra
·       Do once a week whole body reiki and chakra healing to keep your bone and joint healthy