Saturday, February 11, 2012

when nothing work for you or your near &dear ones, LEARN REIKI IN INDIA, from good reiki grand master who can give you all healing knowledge, so you can heal you life with life force energy, which can heal all spheres of your life ..dr.vandana singh raghuvanshi, chandigarh, 09872880634

universal life forse energy is omnipotant and omnipresent.
all healings  are having same unversal life force energy.
it is according differnt places different name  is given to energy .
it is known as pranic,golden ball, magnified,puma, lamaferra,angelic...
reiki is simple to learn any easy to use.
only in reiki you get attunment.
in attunment your teacher work on your crown chakra and universal life force energy
will flow in your all chakras and meridians.
your own negativity gets cleaned.
in reiki you are directly connected with source of energy.
in other healing you do in name of someone.
learn reiki and be your own healer.