Sunday, May 29, 2011

Importance of past life regression in energy healings~ PAST LIFE EMTIONAL, PHYSICAL, MENTAL TRAUMAS are remain in scar form in mind. these trauma can represent in present life as anger, depression, fear, phobias, guilt, arrogance, lonliness, disease of body, troubled relations, body pains, inner restlessness, gas formation, dysponea, chest pains,epilepsy , infertility, insomnia, obesity, lack in sexual desire, sadness , inability to adjustment, intense disliking for someone close to you, feel like crying from inside, urges for substance abuse, addictions, negative thinking, recurrent dreams, phobia of unknown, aimlessness and much more. RELIVING YOUR PAST LIFE IS RELEASEING YOUR PAST LIFE TRAUMA, and healing your present. Past life regression center in chandigarh, (india ) is a branch of Energy healing guidance, INDIA. FOR MORE INFORMATION WRITE YOUR PRESENT PROBLEM AT