Friday, January 27, 2017

Base chakra... It is located at the base of spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth and is therefore related to our survival instincts and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security and dynamic presence. It represents our physical identity- the ability to identify with our body and its needs. Sanskrit Name: Muladdhara Meaning: root support Location: base of spine, perineum Body Parts: legs, feet, bones, large intestine, teeth Glands: adrenals Function: survival, grounding Element: Earth Color: Red Balanced Characteristics: good health, vitality, well grounded, comfortable in body, sense of trust in world, feeling of safety and security, ability to relax and be still, stability, prosperity, right livelihood Deficiency: disconnection from body, notably underweight, fearful, anxious, restless, can’t settle, poor focus and discipline, financial difficulty, poor boundaries, chronic disorganization Excess: obesity, overeating, hoarding, material fixation, greed, sluggish, lazy, tired, fear of change, addiction to security, rigid boundaries Physical Malfunctions: disorders of bowel, anus, large intestine. Disorders of solid parts of body-bones, teeth. Issues with legs, feet, base of spine, buttocks. Eating disorders. Healing Strategy: reconnect with body, physical activity, massage Kew Words: body, physical, survival, foundation, earth, roots, grounding, home, nourishment, instinctual, tribal, primal, and primitive. Affirmations: I enjoy being in my body and I nourish it each day I am connected to the Earth and the safe foundation it provides for my future growth I believe in my abundance.